EDITORIAL: Time for an out-of-the-box solution to doctor shortage in Parksville Qualicum Beach

The Parksville Qualicum Beach News - August 13, 2015: The movie is called The Grand Seduction (2013) and it stars Brendan Gleeson and Taylor Kitsch. It also won Gordon Pinsent a Genie Award for best supporting actor. The gist is this: a dying Newfoundland fishing village (Tickle Head, pop. 120) can land a plastics factory and rejuvenate its town if it can prove it has a family doctor. Suffice to say the lengths these people go to woo the doctor (they take up cricket, for example, and leave five-dollar bills lying around for the young doctor candidate to randomly find) are incredible, and quite funny. Pinsent barely says a word, but steals every scene he's in. In the end, well, we don't want to spoil it for you. Lest you believe we've turned this space into a movie-review-of-the-week, we have a point. Perhaps it's time for us in Parksville Qualicum Beach to take up cricket. Read the full story